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A Nostalgic Inspiration

Monterona: A Delightful Town-Building Game

A Nostalgic Inspiration

Monterona, a captivating city-building game by developer Slava Korolev, draws inspiration from the cherished memories and imaginative stories of grandmothers. Set in an idyllic Italian countryside, the game invites players to embark on a whimsical journey of crafting their own charming towns.

Build Your Dream Town

In Monterona, creativity knows no bounds. Players have the freedom to design and construct a variety of structures, from cozy houses to winding streets and vibrant gardens. With each building block placed, the town comes to life, reflecting the player's unique imagination and vision.

A Slice of Italian Life

Inspired by the allure of Italy, Monterona boasts a charming and distinctive Italian aesthetic. The game's stylized graphics capture the essence of traditional architecture and the warm hues of the countryside. As you build your town, you'll feel immersed in the ambiance of a quaint Italian village.


Monterona offers a heartwarming and immersive experience for players of all ages. Its enchanting gameplay and nostalgic charm invite you to step into a child's imagination and create a vibrant and unforgettable town. Whether you seek a relaxing escape or an outlet for your creativity, Monterona is the perfect game to inspire and delight.
