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A Nostalgic Treat

Bonkers Candy: A Retro Treat That's Bananas

A Nostalgic Treat

Something different, something beautiful, something with familiar flavours, something that is not only going to make you bananas but also nuts about this.

WEB Bonkers Candy is one such candy. These candies were a huge hit while they were around, but they were actually pretty short-lived. However, their unique flavour and texture have left a lasting impression on many candy lovers.

A Lunatic Fudge Variation

WEB Bonkers Awesome Gingerbread Spiced Marshmallows are a delicious variation of Opera Fudge Bordeaux Fudge. This recipe is the backbone for all my non-alcoholic fudge recipes.

Chewy and Tangy

Bonkers Candy consisted of chewable rectangular-shaped candies with a tangy filling. The candy came in a large rectangular package with several of them.
